FEATI Maritime Training & Assessment Center (FMTAC) was established in the year 2015 by FEATI Schools Inc. (FSI)
for the benefit of students, graduates and other professional seafarers. FMTAC was created due to FSI's strong
advocacy and vision, coupled with its unwavering desire to provide the Philippine Maritime Community a new and
unique kind of training and assessment environment using the most advanced technologies and equipment in the
market. It is FMTAC's ultimate goal to actively participate and contribute in the development of competencies
of the Filipino seafarers.
FMTAC is situated at the 2nd floor of Building 1 within the FEATI University compound in Helist St., Sta. Cruz,
Manila. It is equipped with the most modern simulator equipment and facilities in the market today. Its first
maritime training course was given full accreditation by MARINA last 07th March 2016.
FMTAC is equipped with state-of-the-art identification system (biometrics) in identifying and monitoring the
trainees all throughout their training period from their enrollment until they completed their assessment. The
whole facility is equipped with closed circuit television (CCTV) capable of both video and audio broadcast.
Through the use of modern techology, the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) is given access to monitor and
evaluate in real-time all the training in FMTAC.
FMTAC aims to be known worldwide in providing quality maritime training programs, credible maritine training &
assessment systems, embracing the amritime spirit of hardwork and innovation that enhance the seafarers' skills
and character to become more competitive and effective individuals.
FMTAC commits itself to be a premier maritime training company that continuously strives for excellence,
integrity and quality of services to its clientele by complying with all international and local mandatory
government rules and regulations and ISO 9001 quality standars. It vows to continuously improve its business
procedures and processes to maintain excellence.
To be known worldwide in providing quality maritime training programs and excellent training services to prepare seafarers of diverse marine services globally and make them lifelong learners.
FEATI Maritime Training & Assessment Center is dedicated to provide the highest quality training services to all
It embrace the maritime spirit of hardword, innovation and mold the seafarers' skills to
become more globally competitive, efficient and effective mariners.
Quality Policy
FEATI Maritime Training & Assessment Center commits itself to quality and excellence as a maritime training company by complying with all mandatory government rules and regulations and ISO 9001 quality standars. It vows to continuously improve its business procedures and processes to maintain excellence.
Organizational Chart
2017 Revised Organizational Chart

Equipment Certificate - Deck

Equipment Certificate - Engine

Accreditation Certificate - ISO